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The importance of LGBT curriculum.

After the recent passing of the "Don't say Gay" bill in Florida, one thing has become clear: LGBT curriculum is more important now than ever.

Supporting children at all ages is something schools in Florida pledge themselves to, yet they take out a vital piece of curriculum that represents a large portion of their student body. Teaching about "gay" experiences (LGBTQIA+ experiences) builds important communities and safety structures in schools. Currently the suicide rate of LGBT youth is between 5-10%, which is around 1.5-3 times higher than the suicide rate of heterosexual youth. (Wikipedia) Providing mental health resources, and a safe space for these youth in the school system is vital. Rather than shutting these kids out, make them feel welcome, make their stories told. Florida's bill only worsens the declining mental health in LGBT youth.

According to Dr. Jason Nagata, assistant professor of pediatrics in the division of adolescent and young adult medicine at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), discriminatory laws worsen suicide rates and mental health amoung LGBTQ people. Children who are stressed can withdraw from extracurriculars, have difficulty concentrating, and have poor academic performance.

Knowing that LGBT youth have a higher suicide rate, we must provide resources and build safe spaces, rather than tear them away, like Florida's bill does. LGBT curriculum can build up safe spaces by telling relatable stories to children who identify with the community. States like Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oklahoma are only furthering discrimination and harm of children. It is vital that in today's day and age we educate our children and make them feel included, not box them out.

Diversireads stands firmly in supporting the integration of LGBTQIA+ curriculum into all schools, and will be advocating to do so through books.

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